Source code for cortex.dataset.views

import json
import h5py
import numpy as np
from six import string_types

from .. import options
from .braindata import BrainData, VolumeData, VertexData

default_cmap = options.config.get("basic", "default_cmap")

def normalize(data):
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        if len(data) == 3:
            if data[0].dtype == np.uint8:
                return VolumeRGB(data[0][...,0], data[0][...,1], data[0][...,2], *data[1:])
            return Volume(*data)
        elif len(data) == 2:
            return Vertex(*data)
            raise TypeError("Invalid input for Dataview")
    elif isinstance(data, Dataview):
        return data
        raise TypeError("Invalid input for Dataview")

def _from_hdf_data(h5, name, xfmname=None, **kwargs):
    """Decodes a __hash named node from an HDF file into the 
    constituent Vertex or Volume object"""
    dnode = h5.get("/data/%s"%name)
    if dnode is None:
        dnode = h5.get(name)

    attrs = {k: u(v) for (k, v) in dnode.attrs.items()}
    subj = attrs['subject']
    #support old style xfmname saving as attribute
    if xfmname is None and 'xfmname' in attrs:
        xfmname = attrs['xfmname']
    mask = None
    if 'mask' in attrs:
        if attrs['mask'].startswith("__"):
            mask = h5['/subjects/%s/transforms/%s/masks/%s'%(attrs['subject'], xfmname, attrs['mask'])].value
            mask = attrs['mask']

    #support old style RGB volumes
    if dnode.dtype == np.uint8 and dnode.shape[-1] in (3, 4):
        alpha = None
        if dnode.shape[-1] == 4:
            alpha = dnode[..., 3]

        if xfmname is None:
            return VertexRGB(dnode[...,0], dnode[...,1], dnode[...,2], subj, 
                             alpha=alpha, **kwargs)

        return VolumeRGB(dnode[...,0], dnode[...,1], dnode[...,2], subj, xfmname, 
                         alpha=alpha, mask=mask, **kwargs)

    if xfmname is None:
        return Vertex(dnode, subj, **kwargs)
    return Volume(dnode, subj, xfmname, mask=mask, **kwargs)

def _from_hdf_view(h5, data, xfmname=None, vmin=None, vmax=None,  **kwargs):

    if isinstance(data, string_types):
        return _from_hdf_data(h5, data, xfmname=xfmname, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs)
    if len(data) == 2:
        dim1 = _from_hdf_data(h5, data[0], xfmname=xfmname[0])
        dim2 = _from_hdf_data(h5, data[1], xfmname=xfmname[1])
        cls = Vertex2D if isinstance(dim1, Vertex) else Volume2D
        return cls(dim1, dim2, vmin=vmin[0], vmin2=vmin[1], 
                   vmax=vmax[0], vmax2=vmax[1], **kwargs)
    elif len(data) == 4:
        red, green, blue = [_from_hdf_data(h5, d, xfmname=xfmname) for d in data[:3]]
        alpha = None 
        if data[3] is not None:
            alpha = _from_hdf_data(h5, data[3], xfmname=xfmname)

        cls = VertexRGB if isinstance(red, Vertex) else VolumeRGB
        return cls(red, green, blue, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError("Invalid Dataview specification")

class Dataview(object):
    def __init__(self, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, description="", state=None, **kwargs):
        if self.__class__ == Dataview:
            raise TypeError('Cannot directly instantiate Dataview objects')

        self.cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else default_cmap
        self.vmin = vmin
        self.vmax = vmax
        self.state = state
        self.attrs = kwargs
        if 'priority' not in self.attrs:
            self.attrs['priority'] = 1
        self.description = description

    def copy(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.__class__(*args, 

    def priority(self):
        return self.attrs['priority']

    def priority(self, value):
        self.attrs['priority'] = value

    def to_json(self, simple=False):
        if simple:
            return dict()

        desc = self.description
        if hasattr(desc, 'decode'):
            desc = desc.decode()
        sdict = dict(
                vmin=[self.vmin if self.vmin is not None else np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 1)],
                vmax=[self.vmax if self.vmax is not None else np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 99)]
        except AttributeError:
        return sdict

    def from_hdf(node):
        data = json.loads(u(node[0]))
        desc = node[1]
            cmap = json.loads(u(node[2]))
            cmap = u(node[2])
        vmin = json.loads(u(node[3]))
        vmax = json.loads(u(node[4]))
        state = json.loads(u(node[5]))
        attrs = json.loads(u(node[6]))
            xfmname = json.loads(u(node[7]))
        except ValueError:
            xfmname = None

        if not isinstance(vmin, list):
            vmin = [vmin]
        if not isinstance(vmax, list):
            vmax = [vmax]
        if not isinstance(cmap, list):
            cmap = [cmap]

        if len(data) == 1:
            xfm = None if xfmname is None else xfmname[0]
            return _from_hdf_view(node.file, data[0], xfmname=xfm, cmap=cmap[0], description=desc, 
                                  vmin=vmin[0], vmax=vmax[0], state=state, **attrs)
            views = [_from_hdf_view(node.file, d, xfmname=x) for d, x in zip(data, xfname)]
            raise NotImplementedError

    def _write_hdf(self, h5, name="data", data=None, xfmname=None):
        views = h5.require_group("/views")
        view = views.require_dataset(name, (8,), h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str))
        view[0] = json.dumps(data)
        view[1] = self.description
            view[2] = json.dumps([self.cmap])
            view[3] = json.dumps([self.vmin])
            view[4] = json.dumps([self.vmax])
        except AttributeError:
            #For VolumeRGB/Vertex, there is no cmap/vmin/vmax
            view[2] = "null"
            view[3:5] = "null"
        view[5] = json.dumps(self.state)
        view[6] = json.dumps(self.attrs)
        view[7] = json.dumps(xfmname)
        return view

    def raw(self):
        from matplotlib import colors, cm, pyplot as plt
        import glob, os
        # Get colormap from matplotlib or pycortex colormaps
        ## -- redundant code, here and in cortex/ -- ##
        if isinstance(self.cmap, string_types):
            if not self.cmap in cm.__dict__:
                # unknown colormap, test whether it's in pycortex colormaps
                cmapdir = options.config.get('webgl', 'colormaps')
                colormaps = glob.glob(os.path.join(cmapdir, "*.png"))
                colormaps = dict(((os.path.split(c)[1][:-4],c) for c in colormaps))
                if not self.cmap in colormaps:
                    raise Exception('Unkown color map!')
                I = plt.imread(colormaps[self.cmap])
                cmap = colors.ListedColormap(np.squeeze(I))
                # Register colormap while we're at it
                cmap = cm.get_cmap(self.cmap)
        elif isinstance(self.cmap, colors.Colormap):
            cmap = self.cmap
        # Normalize colors according to vmin, vmax
        norm = colors.Normalize(self.vmin, self.vmax) 
        cmapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
        color_data = cmapper.to_rgba(,))
        # rollaxis puts the last color dimension first, to allow output of separate channels: r,g,b,a = dataset.raw
        color_data = (np.clip(color_data, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        return np.rollaxis(color_data, -1)

class Multiview(Dataview):
    def __init__(self, views, description=""):
        for view in views:
            if not isinstance(view, Dataview):
                raise TypeError("Must be a View object!")
        raise NotImplementedError
        self.views = views

    def uniques(self, collapse=False):
        for view in self.views:
            for sv in view.uniques(collapse=collapse):
                yield sv

[docs]class Volume(VolumeData, Dataview): """ Encapsulates a 3D volume or 4D volumetric movie. Includes information on how the volume should be colormapped for display purposes. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The data. Can be 3D with shape (z,y,x), 1D with shape (v,) for masked data, 4D with shape (t,z,y,x), or 2D with shape (t,v). For masked data, if the size of the given array matches any of the existing masks in the database, that mask will automatically be loaded. If it does not, an error will be raised. subject : str Subject identifier. Must exist in the pycortex database. xfmname : str Transform name. Must exist in the pycortex database. mask : ndarray, optional Binary 3D array with shape (z,y,x) showing which voxels are selected. If masked data is given, the mask will automatically be loaded if it exists in the pycortex database. cmap : str or matplotlib colormap, optional Colormap (or colormap name) to use. If not given defaults to matplotlib default colormap. vmin : float, optional Minimum value in colormap. If not given, defaults to the 1st percentile of the data. vmax : float, optional Maximum value in colormap. If not given defaults to the 99th percentile of the data. description : str, optional String describing this dataset. Displayed in webgl viewer. **kwargs All additional arguments in kwargs are passed to the VolumeData and Dataview """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, subject, xfmname, mask=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, description="", **kwargs): super(Volume, self).__init__(data, subject, xfmname, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, description=description, **kwargs) # set vmin and vmax self.vmin = self.vmin if self.vmin is not None else \ np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 1) self.vmax = self.vmax if self.vmax is not None else \ np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 99)
def _write_hdf(self, h5, name="data"): datanode = VolumeData._write_hdf(self, h5) viewnode = Dataview._write_hdf(self, h5, name=name, data=[], xfmname=[self.xfmname]) return viewnode @property def raw(self): r, g, b, a = super(Volume, self).raw return VolumeRGB(r, g, b, self.subject, self.xfmname, a, description=self.description, state=self.state, **self.attrs)
[docs]class Vertex(VertexData, Dataview): """ Encapsulates a 1D vertex map or 2D vertex movie. Includes information on how the data should be colormapped for display purposes. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The data. Can be 1D with shape (v,), or 2D with shape (t,v). Here, v can be the number of vertices in both hemispheres, or the number of vertices in either one of the hemispheres. In that case, the data for the other hemisphere will be filled with zeros. subject : str Subject identifier. Must exist in the pycortex database. cmap : str or matplotlib colormap, optional Colormap (or colormap name) to use. If not given defaults to matplotlib default colormap. vmin : float, optional Minimum value in colormap. If not given, defaults to TODO:WHAT vmax : float, optional Maximum value in colormap. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT description : str, optional String describing this dataset. Displayed in webgl viewer. **kwargs All additional arguments in kwargs are passed to the VolumeData and Dataview """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, subject, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, description="", **kwargs): super(Vertex, self).__init__(data, subject, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, description=description, **kwargs) # set vmin and vmax self.vmin = self.vmin if self.vmin is not None else \ np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 1) self.vmax = self.vmax if self.vmax is not None else \ np.percentile(np.nan_to_num(, 99)
def _write_hdf(self, h5, name="data"): datanode = VertexData._write_hdf(self, h5) viewnode = Dataview._write_hdf(self, h5, name=name, data=[]) return viewnode @property def raw(self): r, g, b, a = super(Vertex, self).raw return VertexRGB(r, g, b, self.subject, a, description=self.description, state=self.state, **self.attrs)
[docs] def map(self, target_subj, surface_type='fiducial', hemi='both', fs_subj=None, **kwargs): """Map this data from this surface to another surface Calls `cortex.freesurfer.vertex_to_vertex()` with this vertex object as the first argument. NOTE: Requires either previous computation of mapping matrices (with `cortex.db.get_mri_surf2surf_matrix`) or active freesurfer environment. Parameters ---------- target_subj : str freesurfer subject to which to map Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs map to `cortex.freesurfer.vertex_to_vertex()` """ # Input check if hemi not in ['lh', 'rh', 'both']: raise ValueError("`hemi` kwarg must be 'lh', 'rh', or 'both'") # lazy load from ..database import db mats = db.get_mri_surf2surf_matrix(self.subject, surface_type, hemi='both', target_subj=target_subj, fs_subj=fs_subj, **kwargs) new_data = [mats[0].dot(self.left), mats[1].dot(self.right)] if hemi == 'both': new_data = np.hstack(new_data) elif hemi == 'lh': new_data = np.hstack([new_data[0], np.nan * np.zeros(new_data[1].shape)]) elif hemi == 'rh': new_data = np.hstack([np.nan * np.zeros(new_data[0].shape), new_data[1]]) vx = Vertex(new_data, target_subj, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, cmap=self.cmap) return vx
def u(s, encoding='utf8'): try: return s.decode(encoding) except AttributeError: return s from .viewRGB import VolumeRGB, VertexRGB, Colors from .view2D import Volume2D, Vertex2D