Source code for cortex.xfm
"""Affine transformation class
import os
import numpy as np
from six import string_types
[docs]class Transform(object):
A standard affine transform. Typically holds a transform from anatomical
magnet space to epi file space.
[docs] def __init__(self, xfm, reference):
self.xfm = xfm
self.reference = None
if isstr(reference):
import nibabel
self.reference = nibabel.load(reference)
self.shape = self.reference.shape[:3][::-1]
except IOError:
self.reference = reference
elif isinstance(reference, tuple):
self.shape = reference
self.reference = reference
self.shape = self.reference.shape[:3][::-1]
def __call__(self, pts):
return, np.hstack([pts, np.ones((len(pts),1))]).T)[:3].T
def inv(self):
ref = self.reference
if ref is None:
ref = self.shape
return Transform(np.linalg.inv(self.xfm), ref)
def __mul__(self, other):
ref = self.reference
if ref is None:
ref = self.shape
if isinstance(other, Transform):
other = other.xfm
return Transform(, other), ref)
def __rmul__(self, other):
ref = self.reference
if ref is None:
ref = self.shape
if isinstance(other, Transform):
other = other.xfm
return Transform(, self.xfm), ref)
def __repr__(self):
path, fname = os.path.split(self.reference.get_filename())
return "<Transform into %s space>"%fname
except AttributeError:
return "<Reference free affine transform>"
def save(self, subject, name, xfmtype="magnet"):
if self.reference is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot save reference-free transforms into the database')
from .database import db
db.save_xfm(subject, name, self.xfm, xfmtype=xfmtype, reference=self.reference.get_filename())
def from_fsl(cls, xfm, func_nii, anat_nii):
"""Converts an fsl transform to a pycortex transform.
Converts a transform computed using FSL's FLIRT to a transform ("xfm") object in pycortex.
The transform must have been computed FROM the nifti volume specified in `func_nii` TO the
volume specified in `anat_nii` (See Notes below).
xfm : array
4x4 transformation matrix, loaded from an FSL .mat file, for a transform computed
FROM the func_nii volume TO the anat_nii volume. Alternatively, a string file name
for the FSL .mat file.
anat_nii : str or nibabel.Nifti1Image
nibabel image object (or path to nibabel-readable image) for anatomical volume from
which cortical surface was created
func_nii : str or nibabel.Nifti1Image
nibabel image object (or string path to nibabel-readable image) for (functional) data volume
to be projected onto cortical surface
xfm : cortex.xfm.Transform object
A pycortex COORD transform.
The transform is assumed to be computed FROM the functional data TO the anatomical data.
In FSL speak, that means that the arguments to flirt should have been:
flirt -in <func_nii> -ref <anat_nii> ...
## -- Adapted from dipy.external.fsl.flirt2aff -- ##
import nibabel
import numpy.linalg as npl
inv = npl.inv
# Load transform from text file, if string is provided
if isinstance(xfm, string_types):
with open(xfm, 'r') as fid:
L = fid.readlines()
xfm = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
# Internally, pycortex computes the OPPOSITE transform: from anatomical volume to functional volume.
# Thus, assign anat to "infile" (starting point for transform)
infile = anat_nii
# Assign func to "reffile" (end point for transform)
reffile = func_nii
# and invert the usual direction (change from func>anat to anat>func)
xfm = inv(xfm)
inIm = nibabel.load(infile)
except AttributeError:
inIm = infile
refIm = nibabel.load(reffile)
in_hdr = inIm.get_header()
ref_hdr = refIm.get_header()
# get_zooms gets the positive voxel sizes as returned in the header
inspace = np.diag(in_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
refspace = np.diag(ref_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
# Since FSL does not use the full transform info in the nifti header,
# determine whether the transform indicates that the X axis should be
# flipped; if so, flip the X axis (for both infile and reffile)
if npl.det(in_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
inspace =, _x_flipper(in_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
if npl.det(ref_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
refspace =, _x_flipper(ref_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
inAffine = inIm.get_affine()
coord =,,,inv(inAffine))))
return cls(coord, refIm)
def to_fsl(self, anat_nii, direction='func>anat'):
"""Converts a pycortex transform to an FSL transform.
Uses the stored "reference" file provided when the transform was created (usually
a functional data or statistical volume) and the supplied anatomical file to
create an FSL transform. By default, returns the transform FROM the refernce volume
(usually the functional data volume) to the anatomical volume (`anat_nii` input).
anat_nii : str or nibabel.Nifti1Image
nibabel image object (or path to nibabel-readable image) for anatomical volume from
which cortical surface was created
direction : str, optional {'func>anat', 'anat>func'}
Direction of transform to return. Defaults to 'func>anat'
This function will only work for "coord" transform objects, (those retrieved with
cortex.db.get_xfm(xfmtype='coord',...)). It will fail hard for "magnet" transforms!
import nibabel
import numpy.linalg as npl
inv = npl.inv
## -- Internal notes -- ##
# pycortex transforms are internally stored as anatomical space -> functional data space
# transforms. Thus the anatomical file is the "infile" in FSL-speak.
infile = anat_nii
inIm = nibabel.load(infile)
except AttributeError:
inIm = infile
in_hdr = inIm.get_header()
ref_hdr = self.reference.get_header()
# get_zooms gets the positive voxel sizes as returned in the header
inspace = np.diag(in_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
refspace = np.diag(ref_hdr.get_zooms()[:3] + (1,))
# Since FSL does not use the full transform info in the nifti header,
# determine whether the transform indicates that the X axis should be
# flipped; if so, flip the X axis (for both infile and reffile)
if npl.det(in_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
print("Determinant is > 0: FLIPPING!")
inspace =, _x_flipper(in_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
if npl.det(ref_hdr.get_best_affine())>=0:
print("Determinant is > 0: FLIPPING!")
refspace =, _x_flipper(ref_hdr.get_data_shape()[0]))
inAffine = inIm.get_affine()
fslx =,,,inv(inspace))))
if direction=='func>anat':
return inv(fslx)
elif direction=='anat>func':
return fslx
def from_freesurfer(cls, fs_register, func_nii, subject, freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Converts a FreeSurfer transform to a pycortex transform.
Converts a transform computed using FreeSurfer alignment tools (e.g., bbregister) to
a transform ("xfm") object in pycortex. The transform must have been computed
FROM the nifti volume specified in `func_nii` TO the anatomical volume of
the FreeSurfer subject `subject` (See Notes below).
fs_register : array
4x4 transformation matrix, described in an FreeSurfer .dat or .lta file, for a transform computed
FROM the func_nii volume TO the anatomical volume of the FreeSurfer subject `subject`.
Alternatively, a string file name for the FreeSurfer .dat or .lta file.
func_nii : str or nibabel.Nifti1Image
nibabel image object (or string path to nibabel-readable image) for (functional) data volume
to be projected onto cortical surface
subject : str
FreeSurfer subject name for which the anatomical volume was registered for.
freesurfer_subject_dir : str | None
Directory of FreeSurfer subjects. Defaults to the value for
the environment variable 'SUBJECTS_DIR' (which should be set
by freesurfer)
xfm : cortex.xfm.Transform object
A pycortex COORD transform.
The transform is assumed to be computed FROM the functional data TO the anatomical data of
the specified FreeSurfer subject. In FreeSurfer speak, that means that the arguments to
FreeSurfer alignment tools should have been:
bbregister --s <subject> --mov <func_nii> --reg <fs_register> ...
import subprocess
import nibabel
import numpy.linalg as npl
inv = npl.inv
# Load anatomical to functional transform from register.dat file, if string is provided
if isinstance(fs_register, string_types):
with open(fs_register, 'r') as fid:
L = fid.readlines()
anat2func = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L[4:8]])
anat2func = fs_register
# Set FreeSurfer subject directory
if freesurfer_subject_dir is None:
freesurfer_subject_dir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR']
# Set path to the anatomical volume used to compute fs_register
anat_mgz = os.path.join(freesurfer_subject_dir, subject, 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
# Read vox2ras transform for the anatomical volume
cmd = ('mri_info', '--vox2ras', anat_mgz)
L = decode(subprocess.check_output(cmd)).splitlines()
anat_vox2ras = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
except OSError:
print ("Error occured while executing:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
# Read tkrvox2ras transform for the anatomical volume
cmd = ('mri_info', '--vox2ras-tkr', anat_mgz)
L = decode(subprocess.check_output(cmd)).splitlines()
anat_tkrvox2ras = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
except OSError:
print ("Error occured while executing:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
# Read tkvox2ras transform for the functional volume
cmd = ('mri_info', '--vox2ras-tkr', func_nii)
L = decode(subprocess.check_output(cmd)).splitlines()
# The [1:] index skips a first line that is present only if an error occurs
# or some info is missing when the transform is created - i.e.
# not in all cases, just in the case that the transform is
# created exactly as it is now.
if len(L) == 5:
L = L[1:]
func_tkrvox2ras = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
except OSError:
print ("Error occured while executing:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
# Calculate pycorex transform (i.e. scanner to functional transform)
coord =,,, inv(anat_vox2ras))))
refIm = nibabel.load(func_nii)
except AttributeError:
refIm = func_nii
return cls(coord, refIm)
def to_freesurfer(self, fs_register, subject, freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Converts a pycortex transform to a FreeSurfer transform.
Converts a transform stored in pycortex xfm object to the FreeSurfer format
(i.e., register.dat format:
fs_register : str
Output path for the FreeSurfer formatted transform to be output.
subject : str
FreeSurfer subject name from which the pycortex subject was imported
freesurfer_subject_dir : str | None
Directory of FreeSurfer subjects. If None, defaults to the value for
the environment variable 'SUBJECTS_DIR' (which should be set
by freesurfer)
import tempfile
import subprocess
import nibabel
import numpy.linalg as npl
from .database import db
inv = npl.inv
# Set path to the anatomical volume for the FreeSurfer subject
anat = db.get_anat(subject, type='raw')
# Read vox2ras transform for the anatomical volume
anat_vox2ras = anat.affine
# Read tkrvox2ras transform for the anatomical volume
cmd = ('mri_info', '--vox2ras-tkr', anat.get_filename())
L = decode(subprocess.check_output(cmd)).splitlines()
anat_tkrvox2ras = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
except OSError:
print ("Error occured while executing:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
# Read tkvox2ras transform for the functional volume
cmd = ('mri_info', '--vox2ras-tkr', self.reference.get_filename())
L = decode(subprocess.check_output(cmd)).splitlines()
# The [1:] index skips a first line that is present only if an error occurs
# or some info is missing when the transform is created - i.e.
# not in all cases, just in the case that the transform is
# created exactly as it is now.
if len(L) == 5:
L = L[1:]
func_tkrvox2ras = np.array([[np.float(s) for s in ll.split() if s] for ll in L])
except OSError:
print ("Error occured while executing:\n{}".format(' '.join(cmd)))
# Debugging code
#print('Shape of func_tkrvox2ras is: [SHOULD BE (4,4) !!]')
# Read voxel resolution of the functional volume
func_voxres = self.reference.header.get_zooms()
# Calculate FreeSurfer transform
fs_anat2func =,,, inv(anat_tkrvox2ras))))
# Debugging code
#if not fs_anat2func.shape == (4, 4):
# raise Exception("bad assumptions led to bad transformation matrix.")
# Write out to `fs_register` in register.dat format
with open(fs_register, 'w') as fid:
for row in fs_anat2func:
fid.write(' '.join(['{:.15e}'.format(x) for x in row]) + '\n')
print('Wrote:')'cat', fs_register))
return fs_anat2func
def isstr(obj):
"""Check for stringy-ness in python 2.7 or 3"""
return isinstance(obj, basestring)
except NameError:
return isinstance(obj, str)
def decode(obj):
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
obj = obj.decode()
return obj
def _x_flipper(N_i):
#Copied from dipy
flipr = np.diag([-1, 1, 1, 1])
flipr[0,3] = N_i - 1
return flipr