import os
import json
import numpy as np
from .. import options
from .views import Dataview, Volume, Vertex, VolumeRGB, VertexRGB
from .braindata import VolumeData, VertexData
default_cmap2D = options.config.get("basic", "default_cmap2D")
class Dataview2D(Dataview):
"""Abstract base class for 2-dimensional data views.
def __init__(self, description="", cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, state=None, **kwargs):
self.cmap = cmap or default_cmap2D
self.vmin = vmin
self.vmax = vmax
self.vmin2 = vmin if vmin2 is None else vmin2
self.vmax2 = vmax if vmax2 is None else vmax2
self.state = state
self.attrs = kwargs
if 'priority' not in self.attrs:
self.attrs['priority'] = 1
self.description = description
def uniques(self, collapse=False):
yield self.dim1
yield self.dim2
def _write_hdf(self, h5, name="data"):
self._cls._write_hdf(self.dim1, h5)
self._cls._write_hdf(self.dim2, h5)
viewnode = Dataview._write_hdf(self, h5, name=name)
viewnode[0] = json.dumps([[,]])
viewnode[3] = json.dumps([[self.vmin, self.vmin2]])
viewnode[4] = json.dumps([[self.vmax, self.vmax2]])
return viewnode
def to_json(self, simple=False):
sdict = dict(data=[[,]],
cmap=[self.cmap] )
d1js = self.dim1.to_json()
d2js = self.dim2.to_json()
vmin = [[self.vmin or d1js['vmin'][0], self.vmin2 or d2js['vmin'][0]]],
vmax = [[self.vmax or d1js['vmax'][0], self.vmax2 or d2js['vmax'][0]]],
if "xfm" in d1js:
sdict['xfm'] = [[d1js['xfm'][0], d2js['xfm'][0]]]
return sdict
def _to_raw(self, data1, data2):
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
cmapdir = options.config.get("webgl", "colormaps")
cmap = plt.imread(os.path.join(cmapdir, "%s.png"%self.cmap))
norm1 = Normalize(self.vmin, self.vmax)
norm2 = Normalize(self.vmin2, self.vmax2)
d1 = np.clip(norm1(data1), 0, 1)
d2 = np.clip(1 - norm2(data2), 0, 1)
dim1 = np.round(d1 * (cmap.shape[1]-1))
# Nans in data seemed to cause weird interaction with conversion to uint32
dim1 = np.nan_to_num(dim1).astype(np.uint32)
dim2 = np.round(d2 * (cmap.shape[0]-1))
dim2 = np.nan_to_num(dim2).astype(np.uint32)
colored = cmap[dim2.ravel(), dim1.ravel()]
# map r, g, b, a values between 0 and 255 to avoid problems with
# VolumeRGB when plotting flatmaps with quickflat
colored = (colored * 255).astype(np.uint8)
r, g, b, a = colored.T
r.shape = dim1.shape
g.shape = dim1.shape
b.shape = dim1.shape
a.shape = dim1.shape
# Preserve nan values as alpha = 0
aidx = np.logical_or(np.isnan(data1), np.isnan(data2))
a[aidx] = 0
# Code from master, to handle alpha input, prob better here but not tested.
# # Possibly move this above setting nans to alpha = 0;
# # Possibly multiply specified alpha by alpha in colormap??
# if 'alpha' in self.attrs:
# # Over-write alpha from colormap / nans with alpha arg if provided.
# # Question: Might it be important tokeep alpha as an attr?
# a = self.attrs.pop('alpha')
return r, g, b, a
def subject(self):
return self.dim1.subject
[docs]class Volume2D(Dataview2D):
Contains two 3D volumes for simultaneous visualization. Includes information
on how the volumes should be jointly colormapped.
dim1 : ndarray or Volume
The first volume. Can be a 1D or 3D array (see Volume for details), or
a Volume.
dim2 : ndarray or Volume
The second volume. Can be a 1D or 3D array (see Volume for details), or
a Volume.
subject : str, optional
Subject identifier. Must exist in the pycortex database. If not given,
dim1 must be a Volume from which the subject can be extracted.
xfmname : str, optional
Transform name. Must exist in the pycortex database. If not given,
dim1 must be a Volume from which the subject can be extracted.
description : str, optional
String describing this dataset. Displayed in webgl viewer.
cmap : str, optional
Colormap (or colormap name) to use. If not given defaults to the
`default_cmap2d` in your pycortex options.cfg file.
vmin : float, optional
Minimum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmax : float, optional
Maximum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmin2 : float, optional
Minimum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmax2 : float, optional
Maximum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
All additional arguments in kwargs are passed to the VolumeData and Dataview
_cls = VolumeData
[docs] def __init__(self, dim1, dim2, subject=None, xfmname=None, description="", cmap=None,
vmin=None, vmax=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(dim1, self._cls):
if subject is not None or xfmname is not None:
raise TypeError("Subject and xfmname cannot be specified with Volumes")
if not isinstance(dim2, self._cls) or dim2.subject != dim1.subject:
raise TypeError("Invalid data for second dimension")
self.dim1 = dim1
self.dim2 = dim2
self.dim1 = Volume(dim1, subject, xfmname, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
self.dim2 = Volume(dim2, subject, xfmname, vmin=vmin2, vmax=vmax2)
vmin = self.dim1.vmin if vmin is None else vmin
vmin2 = self.dim2.vmin if vmin2 is None else vmin2
vmax = self.dim1.vmax if vmax is None else vmax
vmax2 = self.dim2.vmax if vmax2 is None else vmax2
super(Volume2D, self).__init__(description=description, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin,
vmax=vmax, vmin2=vmin2, vmax2=vmax2, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<2D volumetric data for (%s, %s)>"%(self.dim1.subject, self.dim1.xfmname)
def _write_hdf(self, h5, name="data"):
viewnode = super(Volume2D, self)._write_hdf(h5, name)
viewnode[7] = json.dumps([[self.dim1.xfmname, self.dim2.xfmname]])
return viewnode
def raw(self):
"""VolumeRGB object containing the colormapped data from this object.
if self.dim1.xfmname != self.dim2.xfmname:
raise ValueError("Both Volumes must have same xfmname to generate single raw volume")
if ((self.dim1.linear and self.dim2.linear) and
(self.dim1.mask.shape == self.dim2.mask.shape) and
np.all(self.dim1.mask == self.dim2.mask)):
r, g, b, a = self._to_raw(,
r, g, b, a = self._to_raw(self.dim1.volume, self.dim2.volume)
# Allow manual override of alpha channel
kws = dict(subject=self.dim1.subject, xfmname=self.dim1.xfmname,
state=self.state, description=self.description, **self.attrs)
if not 'alpha' in self.attrs:
kws['alpha'] = a
return VolumeRGB(r, g, b, **kws)
def xfmname(self):
return self.dim1.xfmname
[docs]class Vertex2D(Dataview2D):
Contains two vertex maps for simultaneous visualization. Includes information
on how the maps should be jointly colormapped.
dim1 : ndarray or Vertex
The first vertex map. Can be a 1D array (see Vertex for details), or
a Vertex.
dim2 : ndarray or Vertex
The second vertex map. Can be a 1D array (see Vertex for details), or
a Vertex.
subject : str, optional
Subject identifier. Must exist in the pycortex database. If not given,
dim1 must be a Vertex from which the subject can be extracted.
description : str, optional
String describing this dataset. Displayed in webgl viewer.
cmap : str, optional
Colormap (or colormap name) to use. If not given defaults to the
`default_cmap2d` in your pycortex options.cfg file.
vmin : float, optional
Minimum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmax : float, optional
Maximum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmin2 : float, optional
Minimum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
vmax2 : float, optional
Maximum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT
All additional arguments in kwargs are passed to the VolumeData and Dataview
_cls = VertexData
[docs] def __init__(self, dim1, dim2, subject=None, description="", cmap=None,
vmin=None, vmax=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(dim1, VertexData):
if subject is not None:
raise TypeError("Subject cannot be specified with Volumes")
if not isinstance(dim2, VertexData) or dim2.subject != dim1.subject:
raise TypeError("Invalid data for second dimension")
self.dim1 = dim1
self.dim2 = dim2
self.dim1 = Vertex(dim1, subject, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
self.dim2 = Vertex(dim2, subject, vmin=vmin2, vmax=vmax2)
vmin = self.dim1.vmin if vmin is None else vmin
vmin2 = self.dim2.vmin if vmin2 is None else vmin2
vmax = self.dim1.vmax if vmax is None else vmax
vmax2 = self.dim2.vmax if vmax2 is None else vmax2
super(Vertex2D, self).__init__(description=description, cmap=cmap,
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, vmin2=vmin2,
vmax2=vmax2, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<2D vertex data for (%s)>"%self.dim1.subject
def raw(self):
"""VertexRGB object containing the colormapped data from this object.
r, g, b, a = self._to_raw(,
# Allow manual override of alpha channel
kws = dict(subject=self.dim1.subject)
if not 'alpha' in self.attrs:
kws['alpha'] = a
return VertexRGB(r, g, b, **kws)
def vertices(self):
return self.raw.vertices