
class cortex.dataset.Volume2D(dim1, dim2, subject=None, xfmname=None, description='', cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, **kwargs)[source]

Contains two 3D volumes for simultaneous visualization. Includes information on how the volumes should be jointly colormapped.

dim1ndarray or Volume

The first volume. Can be a 1D or 3D array (see Volume for details), or a Volume.

dim2ndarray or Volume

The second volume. Can be a 1D or 3D array (see Volume for details), or a Volume.

subjectstr, optional

Subject identifier. Must exist in the pycortex database. If not given, dim1 must be a Volume from which the subject can be extracted.

xfmnamestr, optional

Transform name. Must exist in the pycortex database. If not given, dim1 must be a Volume from which the subject can be extracted.

descriptionstr, optional

String describing this dataset. Displayed in webgl viewer.

cmapstr, optional

Colormap (or colormap name) to use. If not given defaults to the default_cmap2d in your pycortex options.cfg file.

vminfloat, optional

Minimum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT

vmaxfloat, optional

Maximum value in colormap for dim1. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT

vmin2float, optional

Minimum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT

vmax2float, optional

Maximum value in colormap for dim2. If not given defaults to TODO:WHAT


All additional arguments in kwargs are passed to the VolumeData and Dataview


__init__(dim1, dim2[, subject, xfmname, …])

Initialize self.

copy(*args, **kwargs)







VolumeRGB object containing the colormapped data from this object.

