Source code for cortex.quickflat.view
import io
import os
import tempfile
import binascii
import numpy as np
from .. import utils
from .. import dataset
from .utils import make_flatmap_image
from . import composite
default_colorbar_locations = {
'left': (.0, .07, .2, .04),
'center': (.4, .07, .2, .04),
'right': (.7, .07, .2, .04)
def _check_colorbar_location(colorbar_location):
if isinstance(colorbar_location, (tuple, list)):
return colorbar_location
if colorbar_location not in default_colorbar_locations:
raise ValueError("colorbar_location must be one of {}".format(
return default_colorbar_locations[colorbar_location]
[docs]def make_figure(braindata, recache=False, pixelwise=True, thick=32, sampler='nearest',
height=1024, dpi=100, depth=0.5, with_rois=True, with_sulci=False,
with_labels=True, with_colorbar=True, with_borders=False,
with_dropout=False, with_curvature=False, extra_disp=None,
with_connected_vertices=False, overlay_file=None,
linewidth=None, linecolor=None, roifill=None, shadow=None,
labelsize=None, labelcolor=None, cutout=None, curvature_brightness=None,
curvature_contrast=None, curvature_threshold=None, fig=None, extra_hatch=None,
colorbar_ticks=None, colorbar_location='center', roi_list=None,
nanmean=False, **kwargs):
"""Show a Volume or Vertex on a flatmap with matplotlib.
Note that **kwargs are ONLY present now for backward compatibility / warnings. No kwargs
should be used.
braindata : Dataview (e.g. instance of cortex.Volume, cortex.Vertex,...)
the data you would like to plot on a flatmap
recache : boolean
Whether or not to recache intermediate files. Takes longer to plot this way, potentially
resolves some errors. Useful if you've made changes to the alignment
pixelwise : bool
Use pixel-wise mapping
thick : int
Number of layers through the cortical sheet to sample. Only applies for pixelwise = True
sampler : str
Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data. Options include
'trilinear', 'nearest', 'lanczos'; see functions in for all options
height : int
Height of the image to render. Automatically scales the width for the aspect
of the subject's flatmap
depth : float
Value between 0 and 1 for how deep to sample the surface for the flatmap (0 = gray/white matter
boundary, 1 = pial surface)
with_rois, with_labels, with_colorbar, with_borders, with_dropout, with_curvature, etc : bool, optional
Display the rois, labels, colorbar, annotated flatmap borders, etc
cutout : str
Name of flatmap cutout with which to clip the full flatmap. Should be the name
of a sub-layer of the 'cutouts' layer in <filestore>/<subject>/overlays.svg
Other Parameters
dpi : int
DPI of the generated image. Only applies to the scaling of matplotlib elements,
specifically the colormap
linewidth : int, optional
Width of ROI lines. Defaults to roi options in your local `options.cfg`
linecolor : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification of line color
roifill : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) sepcification for the fill of each ROI region
shadow : int, optional
Standard deviation of the gaussian shadow. Set to 0 if you want no shadow
labelsize : str, optional
Font size for the label, e.g. "16pt"
labelcolor : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification for the label color
curvature_brightness : float, optional
Mean* brightness of background. 0 = black, 1 = white, intermediate values are corresponding
grayscale values. If None, Defaults to config file value. (*this does not precisely specify
the mean; the actual mean luminance of the curvature depends on the value for
`curvature_contrast`. It's easiest to think about it as the mean brightness, though.)
curvature_contrast : float, optional
Contrast of curvature. 1 = maximal contrast (black/white), 0 = no contrast (solid color for
curvature equal to `curvature_brightness`).
cvmax : float, optional [DEPRECATED! use `curvature_brightness` and `curvature_contrast` instead]
Maximum value for background curvature colormap. Defaults to config file value.
cvthr : bool, optional [DEPRECATED! use `curvature_threshold` instead]
Apply threshold to background curvature
extra_disp : tuple, optional
Optional extra display layer from external .svg file. Tuple specifies (filename, layer)
filename should be a full path. External svg file should be structured exactly as
overlays.svg for the subject. (Best to just copy overlays.svg somewhere else and add
layers to it.) Default value is None.
extra_hatch : tuple, optional
Optional extra crosshatch-textured layer, given as (DataView, [r, g, b]) tuple.
colorbar_location : str or tuple, optional
Location of the colorbar. Default locations are one of
'left', 'center', 'right' (default 'center').
Alternatively, a tuple with four floats between 0 and 1 can be passed
indicating (left, bottom, width, height).
colorbar_ticks : array-like, optional
For 1D colormaps indicates the ticks of the colorbar. If None,
it defaults to equally spaced values between vmin and vmax.
This parameter is not used for 2D colormaps, and it defaults to the
vmin, vmax specified in the Volume2D object.
fig : figure or ax
figure into which to plot flatmap
nanmean : bool, optional (default = False)
If True, NaNs in the data will be ignored when averaging across layers.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
dataview = dataset.normalize(braindata)
if not isinstance(dataview, dataset.Dataview):
raise TypeError('Please provide a Dataview (e.g. an instance of cortex.Volume, cortex.Vertex, etc), not a Dataset')
if fig is None:
fig_resize = True
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1))
elif isinstance(fig, plt.Figure):
fig_resize = False
fig = plt.figure(fig.number)
ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1))
elif isinstance(fig, plt.Axes):
fig_resize = False
ax = fig
fig = ax.figure
# Add data
data_im, extents = composite.add_data(ax, dataview, pixelwise=pixelwise, thick=thick, sampler=sampler,
height=height, depth=depth, recache=recache, nanmean=nanmean)
layers = dict(data=data_im)
# Add curvature
if with_curvature:
# backward compatibility
if any([x in kwargs for x in ['cvmin', 'cvmax', 'cvthr']]):
import warnings
warnings.warn(("Use of `cvmin`, `cvmax`, and `cvthr` is deprecated! Please use \n"
"`curvature_brightness`, `curvature_contrast`, and `curvature_threshold`\n"
"to set appearance of background curvature."))
legacy_mode = True
if ('cvmin' in kwargs) and ('cvmax' in kwargs):
# Assumes that if one is specified, both are; weird case where only one is
# specified will still break.
curvature_lims = (kwargs.pop('cvmin'), kwargs.pop('cvmax'))
curvature_lims = 0.5
if 'cvthr' in kwargs:
curvature_threshold = kwargs.pop('cvthr')
curvature_lims = 0.5
legacy_mode = False
curv_im = composite.add_curvature(ax, dataview, extents,
layers['curvature'] = curv_im
# Add dropout
if with_dropout is not False:
# Support old api:
if isinstance(with_dropout, dataset.Dataview):
hatch_data = with_dropout
hatch_data = None
dropout_power = 20 if with_dropout is True else with_dropout
if hatch_data is None:
hatch_data = utils.get_dropout(dataview.subject, dataview.xfmname,
drop_im = composite.add_hatch(ax, hatch_data, extents=extents, height=height,
sampler=sampler, recache=recache)
layers['dropout'] = drop_im
# Add extra hatching
if extra_hatch is not None:
hatch_data2, hatch_color = extra_hatch
hatch_im = composite.add_hatch(ax, hatch_data2, extents=extents, height=height,
sampler=sampler, recache=recache)
layers['hatch'] = hatch_im
# Add rois
if with_rois:
roi_im = composite.add_rois(ax, dataview, extents=extents, height=height, linewidth=linewidth, linecolor=linecolor,
roifill=roifill, shadow=shadow, labelsize=labelsize, labelcolor=labelcolor,
with_labels=with_labels, overlay_file=overlay_file,
layers['rois'] = roi_im
# Add sulci
if with_sulci:
sulc_im = composite.add_sulci(ax, dataview, extents=extents, height=height, linewidth=linewidth, linecolor=linecolor,
shadow=shadow, labelsize=labelsize, labelcolor=labelcolor, with_labels=with_labels,
layers['sulci'] = sulc_im
# Add custom
if extra_disp is not None:
svgfile, layer = extra_disp
custom_im = composite.add_custom(ax, dataview, svgfile, layer, height=height, extents=extents,
linewidth=linewidth, linecolor=linecolor, shadow=shadow, labelsize=labelsize,
labelcolor=labelcolor, with_labels=with_labels)
layers['custom'] = custom_im
# Add connector lines btw connected vertices
if with_connected_vertices:
vertex_lines = composite.add_connected_vertices(ax, dataview, recache=recache)
ax.set_xlim(extents[0], extents[1])
ax.set_ylim(extents[2], extents[3])
if fig_resize:
imsize = fig.get_axes()[0].get_images()[0].get_size()
fig.set_size_inches(np.array(imsize)[::-1] / float(dpi))
# Add (apply) cutout of flatmap
if cutout is not None:
extents = composite.add_cutout(ax, cutout, dataview, layers)
if with_colorbar:
colorbar_location = _check_colorbar_location(colorbar_location)
# Allow 2D colorbars:
if isinstance(dataview, dataset.view2D.Dataview2D):
colorbar_ticks = np.round([
dataview.vmin, dataview.vmax,
dataview.vmin2, dataview.vmax2
], 2)
colorbar = composite.add_colorbar_2d(
ax, dataview.cmap, colorbar_ticks,
colorbar = composite.add_colorbar(
ax, data_im,
# Reset axis to main figure axis
return fig
[docs]def make_png(fname, braindata, recache=False, pixelwise=True, sampler='nearest', height=1024,
bgcolor=None, dpi=100, **kwargs):
"""Create a PNG of the VertexData or VolumeData on a flatmap.
fname : str
Filename for where to save the PNG file
braindata : Dataview (e.g. instance of cortex.Volume, cortex.Vertex, ...)
the data you would like to plot on a flatmap
recache : boolean
Whether or not to recache intermediate files. Takes longer to plot this way, potentially
resolves some errors. Useful if you've made changes to the alignment
pixelwise : bool
Use pixel-wise mapping
thick : int
Number of layers through the cortical sheet to sample. Only applies for pixelwise = True
sampler : str
Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data
height : int
Height of the image to render. Automatically scales the width for the aspect of
the subject's flatmap
depth : float
Value between 0 and 1 for how deep to sample the surface for the flatmap (0 = gray/white matter
boundary, 1 = pial surface)
with_rois, with_labels, with_colorbar, with_borders, with_dropout : bool, optional
Display the rois, labels, colorbar, annotated flatmap borders, and cross-hatch dropout?
sampler : str
Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data. Options include
'trilinear', 'nearest', 'lanczos'; see functions in for all options
Other Parameters
dpi : int
DPI of the generated image. Only applies to the scaling of matplotlib elements,
specifically the colormap
bgcolor : matplotlib colorspec
Color of background of image. `None` gives transparent background.
linewidth : int, optional
Width of ROI lines. Defaults to roi options in your local `options.cfg`
linecolor : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification of line color
roifill : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) sepcification for the fill of each ROI region
shadow : int, optional
Standard deviation of the gaussian shadow. Set to 0 if you want no shadow
labelsize : str, optional
Font size for the label, e.g. "16pt"
labelcolor : tuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification for the label color
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = make_figure(braindata,
imsize = fig.get_axes()[0].get_images()[0].get_size()
fig.set_size_inches(np.array(imsize)[::-1] / float(dpi))
if bgcolor is None:
fig.savefig(fname, transparent=True, dpi=dpi)
fig.savefig(fname, facecolor=bgcolor, transparent=False, dpi=dpi)
[docs]def make_svg(fname, braindata, with_labels=False, with_curvature=True, layers=['rois'],
height=1024, overlay_file=None, **kwargs):
"""Save an svg file of the desired flatmap.
This function creates an SVG file with vector graphic ROIs overlaid on a single png image.
Ideally, this function would layer different images (curvature, data, dropout, etc), but
that has been left to implement at a future date if anyone really wants it.
fname : string
file name to save
braindata : Dataview
the data you would like to plot on a flatmap
with_labels : bool
Whether to display text labels on ROIs
with_curvature : bool
Whether to include background curvature
layers : list
List of layer names to show
height : int
Height of PNG in pixels
overlay_file : str
Custom ROI overlays file to use
fp = io.BytesIO()
from matplotlib.pylab import imsave
## Render PNG file & retrieve image data
arr, extents = make_flatmap_image(braindata, height=height, **kwargs)
if hasattr(braindata, 'cmap'):
imsave(fp, arr, cmap=braindata.cmap, vmin=braindata.vmin, vmax=braindata.vmax)
imsave(fp, arr)
pngdata = binascii.b2a_base64(
image_data = [pngdata]
if with_curvature:
# no options. learn to love it.
from cortex import db
fpc = io.BytesIO()
curv_vertices = db.get_surfinfo(braindata.subject)
curv_arr, _ = make_flatmap_image(curv_vertices, height=height)
mask = np.isnan(curv_arr)
curv_arr = np.where(curv_arr > 0, 0.5, 0.25)
curv_arr[mask] = np.nan
imsave(fpc, curv_arr, cmap='Greys_r', vmin=0, vmax=1)
image_data = [binascii.b2a_base64(, pngdata]
## Create and save SVG file
roipack = utils.db.get_overlay(braindata.subject, overlay_file)
roipack.get_svg(fname, layers=layers, labels=with_labels, with_ims=image_data)
def make_gif(output_destination, volumes, frame_duration=1):
"""Make an animated gif from several pycortex volumes
output_destination : str or stream-like
The destination for the created gif. If a str, saves to a file. If stream-like (file handle
or io.BytesIO), writes to the stream
volumes : dict of pycortex Volumes
duration : float
The duration of each frame in seconds
If output_destination is a file path, return the path. If stream-like, return the stream data.
import imageio
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
images = []
for i, name in enumerate(volumes):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100)
_ = make_figure(volumes[name], fig=fig)
_ = fig.suptitle(name)
path = os.path.join(, str(i) + '.png')
_ = plt.close(fig)
imageio.mimsave(output_destination, images, format='gif', duration=frame_duration)
if hasattr(output_destination, 'seek'):
def show(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for make_figure()"""
return make_figure(*args, **kwargs)
def make_movie(name, data, subject, xfmname, recache=False, height=1024,
sampler='nearest', dpi=100, tr=2, interp='linear', fps=30,
vcodec='libtheora', bitrate="8000k", vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a movie of an 4D data set"""
raise NotImplementedError
import sys
import shlex
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess as sp
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# Make the flatmaps
ims, extents = make_flatmap_image(data, subject, xfmname, recache=recache, height=height, sampler=sampler)
if vmin is None:
vmin = np.nanmin(ims)
if vmax is None:
vmax = np.nanmax(ims)
# Create the matplotlib figure
fig = make_figure(ims[0], subject, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs)
fig.set_size_inches(np.array([ims.shape[2], ims.shape[1]]) / float(dpi))
img = fig.axes[0].images[0]
# Set up interpolation
times = np.arange(0, len(ims)*tr, tr)
interp = interp1d(times, ims, kind=interp, axis=0, copy=False)
frames = np.linspace(0, times[-1], (len(times)-1)*tr*fps+1)
path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
impath = os.path.join(path, "im{:09d}.png")
for frame, frame_time in enumerate(frames):
fig.savefig(impath.format(frame), transparent=True, dpi=dpi)
# avconv might not be relevant function for all operating systems.
# Introduce operating system check here?
cmd = "avconv -i {path} -vcodec {vcodec} -r {fps} -b {br} {name}".format(path=impath, vcodec=vcodec, fps=fps, br=bitrate, name=name)