(fname, braindata, recache=False, pixelwise=True, sampler='nearest', height=1024, bgcolor=None, dpi=100, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create a PNG of the VertexData or VolumeData on a flatmap.
- Parameters
- fnamestr
Filename for where to save the PNG file
- braindataDataview (e.g. instance of cortex.Volume, cortex.Vertex, …)
the data you would like to plot on a flatmap
- recacheboolean
Whether or not to recache intermediate files. Takes longer to plot this way, potentially resolves some errors. Useful if you’ve made changes to the alignment
- pixelwisebool
Use pixel-wise mapping
- thickint
Number of layers through the cortical sheet to sample. Only applies for pixelwise = True
- samplerstr
Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data
- heightint
Height of the image to render. Automatically scales the width for the aspect of the subject’s flatmap
- depthfloat
Value between 0 and 1 for how deep to sample the surface for the flatmap (0 = gray/white matter boundary, 1 = pial surface)
- with_rois, with_labels, with_colorbar, with_borders, with_dropoutbool, optional
Display the rois, labels, colorbar, annotated flatmap borders, and cross-hatch dropout?
- samplerstr
Name of sampling function used to sample underlying volume data. Options include ‘trilinear’, ‘nearest’, ‘lanczos’; see functions in for all options
- Other Parameters
- dpiint
DPI of the generated image. Only applies to the scaling of matplotlib elements, specifically the colormap
- bgcolormatplotlib colorspec
Color of background of image. None gives transparent background.
- linewidthint, optional
Width of ROI lines. Defaults to roi options in your local options.cfg
- linecolortuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification of line color
- roifilltuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) sepcification for the fill of each ROI region
- shadowint, optional
Standard deviation of the gaussian shadow. Set to 0 if you want no shadow
- labelsizestr, optional
Font size for the label, e.g. “16pt”
- labelcolortuple of float, optional
(R, G, B, A) specification for the label color